Hello! I am Stefan and this will be place where I will express my ideas, experiences and thoughts. I have tried to write a blog few years ago and that blog is still alive. That blog has been written in Serbian which is my native language and has been hosted on WordPress. Since then, I have been a little busy so I couldn’t write anything useful on blog. I have been writing for LiBRE! magazine since 2013. and I cannot express enough how much I’m proud of these articles written there. The problem with magazine is that you cannot express your subjective opinion and you have to focus on objective articles. This is the reason why I started maintaining this blog, in English, hosted on github as github page, as static site. You may ask why this choice of technology. Simple answer is that I want minimalism in maintaining platform and I can use git well enough to make it work for this purpose. Another reason is because I’m building stuff. My friends like Git, I like Git and everyone should like Git because Git is great. Use it everywhere. GitHub is fantastic place to host your projects even if it is your own blog.

You are probably wondering why I picked such a nickname. Well, when I was in 6th grade, I picked random nickname to register on Freenode IRC server to visit LUGoNS channel. It remained and it would be difficult to change it since then people couldn’t recognize me on IRC so easily. Bad habits remain, you know. Recently I’ve started to like it because it has history. Years of contributing to above-mentioned LiBRE! and LUGoNS. I’m proud of it.

Why anyone cares for this shit I am writing about, you may ask. Well, I don’t know, these are my thoughts expressed on GitHub page, if you like it, you are free to quote and share. Let me know if you like or dislike it. I am very happy to discuss various topics which I am going to write about in next few months. I hope this time I will make it work. I hope that this time I will write at least one article per month, if there’s more, it will be great!

I am planning to add option to comment but it will take time because I currently have no time to experiment with various systems and to integrate them on blog.